Starts 25th May 2013
Here is your next ‘kicker’ for the year. The Hammer Performance Athlete Development Program (ADP). Don’t let the name scare you, if you don’t consider yourself an ‘athlete’ it’s ok – you are going to train like an athlete would train, you will eat, be measured, tested and coached the way an athlete would and the results you will receive in 6 short weeks will shock you.
So what is this program?
A 6 week pilot program (with provision to extend) which Includes:
- MAS (VO2Max) testingSkinfolds every 2 weeks
- One weekly specific speed session – (sled work, parachute, change of direction, decision making drills etc)
- 3 strength based weights programs (accumulation intensification – 6 ×3 80%, 6 ×4 80%, 6 ×5 80%, 6 ×6 80%, 5 ×5 85%, 4 ×4 90%)
- Treadmill session based on your MAS test
- MetCon session program
- Slack Club penalty session (held Sunday mornings) for not performing weekly tasks, including filling in monitoring format and sending to me every Friday.
- Athlete Monitoring System (excel spreadsheet) which determines whether you are over or under training
- Nutrition info*
What’ll it cost?
Existing clients who complete 2 PT session or more = no charge
Existing clients who complete 1 PT session a week = $10/week
Existing clients who receive fortnightly/monthly programs = $40/week
Non PT clients = $50/week**
*Further add on if a nutritional profile with calorie and macro breakdown is wanted with supplement details and extra $30 session for 20-30min consult
**You can add a Group PT session (max of 4 people) for an all-inclusive weekly rate of $70/week or a 1-on-1 PT session for an all-inclusive weekly rate of $90/week. Talk to us about participating in a group that will compliment your current level.
To get involved click here!