When it comes to consistency, dedication and attitude, Colleen Ginty could be the poster child. In fact, she technically is our poster child because you can see her permanently suspended in a body row in the front window of our facility and in various places on our website. Coll has trained with us for many (many) years now, and we can’t recall her ever missing a session. She turns up week in, week out and has the work ethic of an ant. It is this work ethic that has seen her hit PB after PB and while she’s always been fit, she is now also incredibly strong.
Following our 6-week GVT clinic, she busted out an extra 44m on the rower in her O’neill test and dropped 15mm of body fat. We reckon that’s worth of the March Best on Ground. We’re incredibly proud of Coll so if you see her in the gym, join us in congratulating her. Bloody legend.
That’s my sister! She’s the best!
Really proud of my big girl, Dad.
Hi Colleen it’s Ben here,congratulations!!