FAQ Group: Online Fitness Programming

Does it matter if I miss a session?

Sometimes you must listen to your body, if you are just not up to it then miss it. By missing it you may be able to do more then next day or next week because of it. Usually missing one session here and there will not be catastrophic. But the obvious applies here the more…

What’s does A1 and A2 mean and/or B1 and B2 mean?

This just means you couple those exercises together, or what we call a superset. Basically, you go from the A1 exercise and then immediately to the A2 exercise without rest and perform the second exercise then rest the allotted time. Some instances these supersets can go longer than 2 exercises they can look like this…

Why don’t the videos have instruction?

We are of the belief that instructional videos should only be reminders or clarifiers to the user. If you don’t know how to do a particular exercise, we do not believe you should be taught over video but rather one on one. If an exercise is too difficult to do or you’ve never done it…